

Yokohama International Youth Photo Project

2022年度参加中高生 2022 Participants


There are more than 100,000 people from over 150 countries living in Yokohama. This is a project for international teens to photograph their own Yokohama to visualize how a diverse community really looks like as well as capture the city that keeps changing. We do 8 workshops and exhibitions throughout the city and beyond. 


2022年度 写真は語るワークショップ 
2022 Adult Workshop

The workshop that enable to see a message behind image and tell stories


Anyone can publish pictures nowadays, but do we know photography can be a weapon to do good and bad? Pictures can show who you really are. In a right way, we can do so much good with images we create. This seminar is not about how to take beautiful pictures. Instead, it’s about how to capture thoughts and feelings to tell stories as well as learn the power of editing. This is our most popular seminar.

STAND Still- 性暴力サバイバービジュアルボイス
STAND Still – Visual Voice of Sexual Violence Survivors

2022年10月青山学院ジェンダー研究センターギャラリー展示会 The Exhibit at Aoyama Gakuin University Gender Research Center, Oct. 2022.

2019年度の参加者たちが新しいグループ「STAND Stillを立ち上げ、活動を続けています。The first participants in 2019 establish a new group STAND Still and keep the project going. 


Even in #metoo era, there are just too many survivors who cannot say #metoo. Being silence is a choice that should be respected as well. But if anyone wants to do something out of pain and suffering, we have a safe place for them to express through pictures. There is no obligation to talk about own experience of victimization during workshops, neither to submit the work to exhibitions.